Dihydrocodeine 30mg


Dihydrocodeine is a painkiller that belongs to the class of semi-synthetic opioids. It is a semi-synthetic derivative of codeine and has similar effects.

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Looking to purchase Dihydrocodeine 30mg Tablets?

What is Dihydrocodeine? It’s a painkiller classified as a synthetic opioid. Originally developed in Germany back, in 1908 and introduced to the market in 1911 its medical applications were recognized in 1948. Initially created as a cough remedy Dihydrocodeine is now commonly used for managing moderate to pain following surgeries, serious injuries and various conditions like osteoarthritis, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral vascular disease and more.

Dihydrocodeine goes by names depending on the region. In the US its known as DHC Continus while in the UK its marketed as DF118 FORTE by Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Martindale Pharma and Ethypharm Group Company. Other available brands include Parlor SS, ZerLor and Parlor DC.

This medication is often prescribed for pain that hasn’t responded well to milder pain relievers like paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin. Keep in mind that Dihydrocodeine can only be obtained with a prescription.

Certain countries like Australia, United States, Japan and the United Arab Emirates have restricted the sale of codeine and dihydrocodeine containing medications, over the counter (OTC).Dihydrocodeine can be purchased online with a prescription. Just pills.com is a website where you can order Dihydrocodeine.

Dihydrocodeine is provided in forms such, as tablets, capsules and oral suspensions. In regions it is also offered as a solution for deep subcutaneous and intramuscular use.

Furthermore Dihydrocodeine is combined with NSAIDs for the treatment of pain. Depending on the condition different forms of Dihydrocodeine such as acting (liquid) slow release and standard release are prescribed. The acting version typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to take effect while standard tablets may require 1.5 to 2 hours. Acting tablets may take longer to show results but provide relief.

Dihydrocodeine tablets and capsules come in strengths ranging from 30mg to 120mg. Acting tablets are available in 30mg and 40mg doses while acting ones are usually prescribed at strengths between 60mg and 90mg.

It’s important to note that Dihydrocodeine may not be suitable for individuals, with conditions.
Before you begin taking this medication make sure to inform your doctor if you have experienced any reactions, to dihydrocodeine or other medications in the past. Also let them know about any stomach issues like bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohnโ€™s disease, lung problems such as asthma or breathing difficulties, head injuries, seizures, hypothyroidism ( thyroid gland) enlarged prostate, difficulty urinating, low blood pressure, alcohol addiction, liver or kidney problems myasthenia gravis (a condition that causes muscle weakness) if you are trying to conceive, pregnant or breastfeeding. Additionally, if you’re under 18 and have had your tonsils or adenoids removed for obstructive sleep apnea treatment (breathing issues during sleep) or have intolerance problems.

Common side effects of dihydrocodeine may include allergies feeling dizzy drowsiness, headache fatigue sedation sweating nausea vomiting constipation itching and skin reactions.

It’s important to be aware that drug interactions can affect how your medications work and increase the risk of side effects. Keep a record of all the products you are using and share it with your doctor and pharmacist. Do not make any changes, to your medication without consulting your doctor
Some medications that might interact with dihydrocodeine are acetazolamide, antacids antibiotics, like penicillin and sulfonamides well as specific anti seizure drugs such as valproic acid. It’s also important to be cautious when combining dihydrocodeine with medications that could increase the risk of bleeding like platelet drugs or “blood thinners.” Additionally certain types of drugs such as anxiolytics, hypnotics, antidepressants and antihistamines can enhance the system depressant effects when taken alongside dihydrocodeine. Alcohol and antipsychotics may also amplify the sedative effects of dihydrocodeine.

It’s essential to use tablets in patients with a history of opiate abuse or dependence. Tolerance to the drug may develop over time with extended use requiring an increase in dosage for pain management. Abruptly stopping tablets can lead to withdrawal symptoms particularly if it has been used for a prolonged period or, in doses.
If you start feeling withdrawal symptoms your doctor might gradually reduce your medication. Let your doctor or pharmacist know away if you experience restlessness trouble sleeping, irritability, anxiety, palpitations, increased blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, trembling, shivering or sweating.

Taking dihydrocodeine can lead to depression of the central nervous system. This may cause depression drowsiness progressing to stupor or coma limp muscles and cold skin.

The combination of coma, constricted pupils and respiratory depression is a sign of overdose, with pupil dilation occurring as oxygen levels drop. Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of an overdose. Other signs include body temperature, confusion, seizures, severe lightheadedness, extreme drowsiness, low blood pressure and rapid heartbeat (although restlessness or nervousness,
slow heartbeat,
low blood pressure,
circulatory failure,
difficulty breathing,
extreme weakness
seizures. Especially, in young children. In cases of codeine overdose apnea ( cessation of breathing) circulatory collapse leading to cardiac arrest and even death can happen.
If you encounter someone who has taken dihydrocodeine its recommended to give activated charcoal within the first hour of ingestion. If signs of depression are present naloxone, a medication that counteracts the effects of dihydrocodeine should be administered.

When taken orally the bioavailability of dihydrocodeine is low, at around 20%. The peak concentration in the bloodstream typically occurs about 1.6 to 1.8 hours after ingestion due to absorption in the gut and metabolism by the liver and intestines. The drug is eliminated through the kidneys. Excreted unchanged in urine.

Dihydrocodeine tablets have the potential to impact functions such as thinking and reasoning. Side effects may include dizziness, muscle stiffness, visual disturbances, drowsiness, confusion, fainting spells or hallucinations. It is advised not to drive or operate machinery if these effects are experienced.

The tablets themselves are biconvex pills without coating. Each tablet contains varying amounts of Dihydrocodeine tartrate along with ingredients like colloidal silica, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, maize starch and microcrystalline cellulose. It’s crucial to store dihydrocodeine below 30ยฐC from light and moisture and, out of reach of children.
If you have any leftover tablets it’s best not to toss them in the trash, at home. Instead return them to the pharmacy for disposal.

How does Dihydrocodeine function?
Dihydrocodeine is broken down by the liver into dihydromorphine, which helps alleviate pain. The speed of this metabolic process varies among individuals.
Dihydrocodeine works on a level by activating receptors in the central nervous system and brain reducing pain. These receptors are spread throughout the CNS. Binding to brain receptors dihydrocodeine decreases nerve cell excitability leading to reduced pain sensations in the body and brain. Dihydrocodeine boosts pain tolerance. Also induces sedation, drowsiness and slowed breathing. Controlled release dihydrocodeine tablets take about 1.5 to 2 hours to fully take effect.

Advantages of Dihydrocodeine
Dihydrocodeine serves as an alternative to codeine with pain relief and fewer side effects for patients. Its chemical structure closely resembles that of codeine. Is more potentโ€”twice as effective as codeineโ€”. A 100mg dose of dihydrocodeine matches a 10mg dose of morphine in pain relief efficacy. In comparison, with tramadol dihydrocodeine exhibits a analgesic impact.
Dihydrocodeine typically kicks in quickly within 30 minutes. Can ease pain for around 4 hours. Unlike opioids such, as morphine or codeine dihydrocodeine doses tend to have impact on breathing. Its known to cause little to no nausea or vomiting. Is generally well tolerated by patients making additional medication for nausea unnecessary in most cases. Beyond pain relief dihydrocodeine also helps alleviate the anxiety often linked to pain. Its commonly used to manage operative pain in individuals with chronic heart failure and can also be effective in treating shortness of breath. When combined with methylephedrine hydrochloride/chlorpheniramine maleate dihydrocodeine is employed to address coughing associated with conditions like bronchitis, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. Positioned as a ‘weak’ opioid on the WHO ladder for cancer pain management in adults dihydrocodeine is a choice for alleviating pain, in cancer patients and aiding in the detoxification process from methadone an opioid used for managing chronic pain and addiction therapy.
Using methadone, for detoxification can be completed within a month. Extended over a period of up to six months with the aid of dihydrocodeine.

Unlike tramadol dihydrocodeine poses a risk of triggering serotonin syndrome, which’s a serious condition characterized by excessive nerve activity that can be life threatening. In instances it may lead to muscle stiffness, high fever, seizures and even death.

When taking dihydrocodeine it is important to have a discussion with your doctor before commencing therapy to mitigate the risks of addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Swallow the tablet. Capsule with a glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters). Ensure that standard release tablets are swallowed whole and not broken chewed or crushed. Breaking or crushing controlled release tablets can cause rapid release and absorption of dihydrocodeine leading to overdose effects. Refrain from lying down for 10 minutes after taking Codeine. If you experience nausea it is advisable to take codeine along with food.

Most adults typically start with a dose ranging from 20 35mg for safety purposes; however individual factors such, as weight, health status and age should always be considered.
Elderly individuals should also adhere to their doctors dosage instructions as the standard dose might need to be adjusted.

It is not advisable to use dihydrocodeine in children under 4 years old. For children aged 4 12 years and teenagers it is crucial to follow the dosage recommended by the doctor. In patients the dosage is typically lower.

The typical dose, for adults and children aged 12 years and older is as follows; Dihydrocodeine 30mg tablet โ€“ take 1 or 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours with a maximum of 6 tablets (180mg) in a day. For the 40mg tablet take 1 or 2 tablets up to three times within a day with a maximum of 6 tablets (240mg) in a day.
The usual dose of suspension ranges from 1 to3 doses of 5ml each taken every four to six hours. A full spoonful of 5ml contains ten milligrams of dihydrocodeine (three spoonfuls equal thirty milligrams).
For children between ages four and eleven the dose is calculated based on weight. The standard dose ranges from between half a milligram to one milligram per kilogram of body weight up to a maximum of thirty milligrams every four to six hours.

When purchasing suspension the manufacturer typically includes a medicine spoon, for accurate measurement purposes.
If you don’t have it ask a pharmacist for a measuring tool. Avoid using a kitchen teaspoon to measure the liquid as it may not provide the dosage.

Its recommended not to use dihydrocodeine for, than three days. If you don’t experience relief from pain consult your doctor for guidance. In some cases like illnesses such as cancer longer use might be necessary.

If you forget to take a dose of dihydrocodeine take it soon as you remember unless its almost time for your dose. In that case skip the missed dose. Stick, to your dosing schedule. Avoid doubling up on doses if you miss one โ€“ consider setting an alarm if you tend to forget taking your medication on time.


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